I remember this time last year so clearly.

I was working at a part-time job and steadily growing my business. But I was getting burnt out. Even though I enjoyed my part-time job, I realized I no longer wanted to be there.

I just wanted to be doing my own thing. There was a slight problem with that though.  I didn’t have the income in my business to go 100% on my own. But I also didn’t have the energy to grow my business more while still balancing my time with the part-time work, which wasn’t awful but was pretty boring.

There was one thing I had on my on side and that is determination (or you might call it stubbornness — I’m sure that my family would!).

To be honest, once I got the idea in my head that I wanted to be full-time in my business in 2015 there was not much you could do to stop me.  Determination is pretty much a requirement if you want to quit your job and go out on your own. It helps you stay focused on your goals so that distractions do not get in the way of you achieving what you want.

Determination helped me get super clear on how + when I could transition from my part-time job to being in my business full-time. It helped me choose a date to give notice by and it helped me create a transition plan, which included a month of location-independent travel (when I decide I want something, I really go ALL the way!).

At the time I thought I might be a little crazy — after all I was leaving a secure income and access to health insurance without any guarantees that I would be able to support myself 100%.  However, now that I look back at my journey over the past year I’m so happy that I was determined and made this entrepreneur thing work.

I love my clients + I love my freedom.

There is one thing besides determination that can make this journey easier for you and that is MONEY. If you want to quit your job, INVEST in yourself so that you don’t have to do this on your own and start saving now.

Start creating multiple income streams so that you don’t have to be reliant on getting your financial support from just one source.  This is something I can’t stress enough.  You don’t need to have a big mailing list or waiting list full of clients to do this.  There are other ways.

You’ve got this and you DESERVE to be the boss of your business and life now.





P.S. I’ve actually created the Authentic Affiliate Academy for this exact reason. I want to help you create an income stream that does not require you to create new services or products. It allows you to create revenue just by supporting products and services you already love.


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