When I began working with Nicole, I had just lost my agency director position due to Covid. I suddenly needed to grow my part-time private practice to full-time as quickly as possible.

I was hesitant about joining Nicole’s group because I didn’t think I could take on the expense.

However, I knew the importance of investing in myself and knew that the support of a coach would be helpful, so I took a leap of faith and signed up. 

During much of the six months that I was in her group I was in survival mode and trying to replace the income that I lost. I also ended up with Covid, as did my kids, and was pretty sick for a few weeks. I was juggling all of this along with my kids being out of school and managing their at-home learning. Even with these challenges, and a few other curveballs that were thrown my way, I was still able to grow my practice. 

By the end of the 6 months of working with Nicole, I had the best quarter that I’ve had in the six years that my practice has existed.

While working with Nicole I:

  • doubled my clients and now have a waitlist
  • tripled my revenue in less than six months
  • built new relationships and increased my referral sources
  • built a strong foundation and put systems in place so that my business can continue to grow, am ready to build a team, and ready to incorporate other streams of income.
  • stretched myself out of my comfort zone which was needed in order to grow 
  • was able to identify things that were holding me back and make changes so they don’t hold me back in the future. 
  • Gained clarity on what I want, don’t want, what I’m good at, and where I can grow.
  • Have created space for more of what I enjoy and am on track to have the business and income that I want to have, all in a sustainable way that minimizes the chance of burnout.

Nicole is down-to-earth and approachable. She gently holds you accountable in a supportive way and encourages you to stretch yourself. 

Just implementing 1/3 of what Nicole suggested helped me to not just get back on my feet but also experience excellent business growth. 

The community and support that she created has been great. Not only is she a great coach, she is a good person. You can feel that she genuinely cares about her clients. 

I would recommend working with Nicole to anyone who is ready to grow and scale their business and is ready to be held accountable for their growth.  If you’re looking to gain clarity, create a plan for growth, and do it in a way that is simple, balanced, and is tailored for your life and business, then hiring Nicole will be one of the best investments you will make. 


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