About 7ish years ago, I launched my first group coaching program with 10 amazing women in it (it was really more of a mastermind because it was all about laser coaching and the members supporting each other).

This was really surprising even to me because I had promised myself I would NEVER do a group coaching program.

I was so scared I would never be able to fill it and that I would only get 1 person interested and have to cancel it.

Or that I would get zero people interested and that I would feel like a total failure.

I’m not sure which though scared me more.

I was also worried that I wasn’t confident enough as a leader to run a group program — what if everyone hated me? What if I couldn’t help people and all the other members saw it?

But luckily I didn’t let my fears take over and l decided to go with the flow when I got hit with an idea for the LifeBoss Mastermind, which was for women who wanted to leave their jobs and create more freedom by running their own business (as I had done several years before).

This was after weeks of doing market research with over 50+ women.

When I finally got the urge to do this, I quickly made it happen and launched and filled it within 2 weeks.

Not only did it allow me to help amazing women their own successful businesses, it was also my first 5 figure launch which was super exciting.

This was truly the start of my love of having multiple income streams in my business as well so that I didn’t need to rely on 1:1 clients only which totally wiped my energy and left me lying on the couch all night like a zombie.

Watch the video below if you want to launch and run group programs because I share exactly what I did to make it happen + what strategies I still use today to be successful with running and launching them today.


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