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Download the Consistent Income Generator to Make It Happen
Resolutions Don’t Mean Results (Here’s What You Need To Do Instead)
It’s that time of year again. The time of year where you start stressing out and mentally beating yourself up because you didn’t stick to your New Year’s resolutions… AGAIN. We’ve all gotten ourselves into this messed-up cycle before where we create all these...
3 Stressors Solo Travelers Avoid
I love traveling by myself. But when I tell people that, it's often pretty clear that they can't understand why I feel that way. My first trip by myself occurred a few years ago after I left an unhappy work situation. I wanted to get away for a couple months and knew...
Confessions of a (former) Stress Addict: Natalia’s Story
Hi. My name is Natalia and I'm a (former) Stress Addict. Tell me what a day in your life was like when you were a stress addict. How did you spend your time? Oh, boy. I would basically wake up and immediately become tense with worry. I'd think of everything on my...
Confessions of a (former) Stress Addict: Jenn’s Story
Hi. My name is Jenn and I'm a (former) Stress Addict. Tell me what a day in your life was like when you were a stress addict. How did you spend your time? My days as a former stress addict were similar to a roller coaster ride. If things were calm and on the low...
Confessions of a (former) Stress Addict: Diane’s Story
Hi. My name's Diane and I'm a (former) stress addict. Tell me what a day in your life was like when you were a stress addict. How did you spend your time? My former day-job working for *the man* would leave me fatigued with persistent migraines, stomach aches &...
Confessions of a (former) Stress Addict: My Story
Hi. My name’s Nicole and I’m a (former) stress addict. I put the former in parentheses because it’s a daily struggle for me to not fall into my old pattern of making bad decisions that bring more overwhelm into my life (and then complaining about HOW STRESSFUL...
3 Places to Start Being Mindful Today
Mindfulness is about being in the present moment and not getting into that often anxiety provoking, non-stop)spiral of thoughts about the past or future. It means really being aware of what you're doing and feeling RIGHT NOW. This can be a tricky thing to get used...
5 Secrets of Self-Care
Self-care is an essential part of balancing out an overwhelmed, stressed out lifestyle. It gives us a chance to rest and recover from the wear and tear of normal life events, and it’s also a good reason to bring more fun into our lives. Sometimes we wish...
21 Ways to Stress More Right Now
We all know that there are some people out there who are addicted to stress -- it's what they choose to live and breathe and talk about everyday. I hope you're not one of them. BUT.... if you are, I've created a list of ways for you to continue to add to your...
3 Ways to Live Life Like a Child (and why you should!)
Have you ever looked around and wondered why no one seems to be having fun??? Do you spend time thinking about how simple pleasures were so much more enjoyable when you were younger? Do you reminisce with friends about how great it was to be a kid because you had...