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Download the Consistent Income Generator to Make It Happen

3 Time Wasters that Are Killing Your Business

  How many times have you caught yourself saying “I need more time” whenever you’re working on a project in your business or life? It never feels like you have enough and you’re always thinking you can use more. I know I catch myself saying that at least a few...

How to Be an Online TV Pro with Jody Jelas

The thought of being on video FREAKS you out, right?  I totally get it. That's how I felt before I started my first video series on You Tube called "Mindfulness in a Minute."  I had no clue what I was doing but I put it out there anyway. I ended up getting over my...

1 Thing You Need to Do if You Want More Success in Your Business

There is this one thing you need to do if you want more success in your business. As I look back at the past year and think about all the goals I've reached (and even surpassed!!), I know that there is one thing that I did each time in order to achieve that. Check out...

The One Thing You Need if You Want Your Own Business

I remember this time last year so clearly. I was working at a part-time job and steadily growing my business. But I was getting burnt out. Even though I enjoyed my part-time job, I realized I no longer wanted to be there. I just wanted to be doing my own thing. There...

How My Mindset Messed with My Money

Around this time last year about 5 minutes before midnight, I pressed the “Buy Now” button and made a purchase that would change my life and relationship with money forever. I know this sounds like a dramatic decision but at the time I didn’t realize the impact it...

3 Reasons You’re Not Successful… Yet

I know that the title of this blog sounds a little harsh but I work with a lot of women who want to be successful or have more success in their lives and have insider access into the reasons you don't feel successful yet. The truth is that I’m really passionate about...

How To Make Your Day Job Work For You

Are you spending all your time at your day job dreaming about the day you can run your business from a laptop on the beach? I know what it’s like when you feel that each minute at your 9-5 is keeping you from your dreams. You can actually feel like you’re in a prison...

Why Being Perfect is a Bad Thing for Successful Women

Being perfect can really get in the way of enjoying your life especially when one of your goals is to be have a successful career or business. Watch the video below to hear more about how I dealt with my need for perfection. If your struggle with perfectionism has...

How to Deal with Disappointment

Today I want to talk to you about dealing with disappointment. I honestly can't even say that word without feeling a heaviness in my chest. Right now I just want you to take a moment, take a deep breath, and then say the word disappointment. For me, disappointment...

How to Stop Being “So Busy”

I get it. You’re busy. You’re really, really busy. You’re so busy that you think no one can possibly understand how busy you are. You let everyone know how busy you are every second you get because you think that they can’t understand it. You have a job that stresses...


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