Masterminds are an amazing way to make sure you prioritize growth for your business! When you’re part of a business mastermind, you’re part of a group of entrepreneurs and business owners that are meeting regularly to help each other solve their problems and achieve consistent business growth. It’s a really powerful way to hit your business goals in a supportive environment.
I have actually been involved in masterminds practically since I first started my business a few years ago and I can tell you from personal experience that they have allowed me to reach my business goals a lot more QUICKLY than I would have if I was doing things on my own!
Read on to learn more the ways masterminds will help you grow your business faster:
1. You’ll have a team of potential strategic partners and increased opportunities to collaborate
Masterminds are filled with people that can HELP you build your business — because they are likely to have a similar growth mindset to you. If they have a similar audience to yours, they are going to be great to reach out to about setting up a strategic partnership with so that you can build each other’s programs and launches up. I have actually done webinars with my mastermind partners, they’ve sold my programs as an affiliate for me, and we have built up each other’s launches by sharing opt-ins for each other!! Joining a mastermind opens you up to so many possibilities — if your mastermind partners aren’t the right fit for these kind of activities then they might know other people who are.
2. You’ll be more consistent with your business building activities because of the built-in accountability
An important factor in building a successful business and scaling it is consistency. Business is stressful and it’s easy to get off track or distracted by different ideas and tasks that are possible for you to be working on. A big bonus of mastermind groups is accountability so that you can stay consistent with the actions that are most important to your business. If you’re meeting with your mastermind members regularly (I recommend minimum 2x per month), you can get feedback on if you’re working on what you’re supposed to and of course you will want to stay on-task so that you can report to them about all the progress you made! Plus it’s really fun to be able to celebrate reaching big milestones together.
3. You’ll be more willing to take risks + get out of your comfort zone (which results in bigger payoffs!)
It’s very easy to talk yourself out of taking risks that get you out of the comfort zone when you’re a business owner — after all those tasks that are new for you can just feel so hard sometimes! The good news is that your mastermind will make sure that you’re not sticking to the “easy” tasks in business — they will hep you identify which tasks are the ones that you’re hiding from because they scare you. And then they will virtually hold your hand while you do the scary things so that you don’t continue to avoid them. The truth is that I’ve been in business awhile now and I’ve seen it happen again and again — it’s the scary tasks that you avoid that bring you the biggest + best results!! That’s why you want to be part of a mastermind thatYou’ll actually have a support system that understands the ups + downs of business. Plus they’ll be taking big risks too so you’ll be encouraging each other to do! There is great power in doing things as a group.
4. You will actually end up having increased confidence (no more overthinking)
Being part of a group of people that are all working towards growing their business is super rewarding! Not only will you see your own business grow more quickly, but you’ll be helping others with the growth of their businesses as well. This is going to actually help to increase your confidence about yourself AND the direction of your business. Your experience as a business owner will be normalized because you will be able to get positive feedback and support from your mastermind. I know that when I started my business I thought I was crazy a lot of times and I over-thought everything and being part of a group coaching program and mastermind helped me to feel more confident as I was able to get positive feedback on my ideas.
Click the button below to get ALL the details on my next mastermind so that you can grow your business WITH EASE!
5. You’ll actually have a support system that understands the ups + downs of business
Let’s be real — business is a FREAKING super emotional roller coaster ride. There are tons of ups and downs (including our income) that we have to deal with consistently and it’s easy to freak out. It’s also easy to turn to your personal family and friends for support only for them to HAVE NO CLUE what the heck we’re even doing or talking about most of the time. Turning to the wrong support system about your business can be super frustrating and can even sabotage your growth. It’s important that you have a team of people that can have your back and actually UNDERSTAND what you’re going through — the ups and downs of business will always be there. You do need a mastermind to get through them more easily (and you deserve it!)
See you in there!
P.S. There are a LIMITED number of spots available for my next mastermind so CLICK HERE if you want to learn more!