Have you ever struggled to hit the next level in your business?
Or felt like you needed someone who could help you create a plan for the vision of the business you want for yourself but haven’t been able to actually make happen?
Maybe you’re just tired of feeling alone behind the scenes of your business — you know that you want more and you’re tried of doing it all alone — you’re stressed and burning out fast.
So many of my clients are in the same place before we start working together — and they often come to me uncertain if business coaching will really be able to help them. They’re worried that they’re going to be in the same place a few months down the road and that it wouldn’t have been a good investment.
I totally get how they feel — after all I’ve felt the same way about deciding to invest in business coaching for my business — but even though it was a scary decision to make, I knew that I didn’t want to be sitting on my couch multiple years in a row googling “how to grow my business” while my peers gained more and more success because they were taking action while I was still searching for my next steps.
And thank goodness I did hire that first business coach (and several more since then!) — as a result I was able to spend my time taking action towards growing my business and building my audience instead of just planning/daydreaming/worrying about my business!
The truth is if you’re thinking it might be time to hire a business coach, there’s a good chance it is time to hire a business coach (it can be that simple — no reason to waste your valuable time overthinking this!).
And if you want to talk more about that, you can book a call with me over here to find out how i can help you scale your business over the next few months..
But in the meantime, I wanted to help you be able to clearly identify some of the signs that it’s time to hire a business coach so I asked the members of my Facebook community, the Unstoppable Business Community, to share how they knew it was time to hire a business coach.
Read on and find out how they knew it was time to get help to grow their business:
When you’ve read every article and taken every class and you’re still not making progress in your business.
– Jocelyn St. Cyr of www.jocelynstcyr.com/
When you have a ginormous collection of Free PDFs in your computer and phone and have Pinterest boards full of business ideas but you are still stuck at square one in your own biz
– Megan Lee of www.meganlee.co
When you don’t want to get out of bed, or even focus on your business, because you have no idea where to start. Everything piles on and the list gets longer with things that are probably not priorities anyway. A business coach is your direction, your guide post, when things simply aren’t working.
– Erica Cosminsky Edwards of www.empressenergies.com
When you have a journal full of ideas, outlines, plans, and goals, but your business bank account still says $0. ?
– Danielle Beth Uhl of www.danielleuhl.com
When your inbox is filled with 10 different emails on how to build your business and yet you still don’t know where to start.
– Maria Inoa of www.fullpotentialcounseling.com
When you have 1001 brilliant ideas half done, but zero completed.
– Tara Leduc of www.taraleduc.com
I knew I needed to hire a business coach when I realized I had spent a year and a half telling myself “I can just do this myself”….and yet my business was stuck in the SAME spot for that year and a half! ??♀️?
– Brooke Schmidt of www.arrowtherapymn.com (and I was lucky enough to be the business coach Brooke chose to work with — you can check out her results over here!)
It was when I was so burnt out from juggling multiple part-time jobs I couldn’t see the big picture clearly, much less know what to let go of or how.
– Jess Cording of www.jessicacordingnutrition.com
It’s time to hire a coach when you’ve watched your umpteenth webinar to get inspired and you are totally jazzed!!! But have no clue how to step forward so you find the next one to inspire you and you get totally jazzed…and then nothing happens again.
– Jen Mase Siegel
I knew it was time to hire a business coach when my business had generated the exact same level of income for several years in a row. As I recalled the saying that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting different results, I decided it was time to do something different. My income increased by nearly 100% the following year.
– Marcia Layton Turner of www.marcialaytonturner.com
It’s time to hire a business coach when your husband says, “Babe, I have NO idea. I am not the one to ask!”
– Lindsey Brock of www.thebreakuptherapist.com
t’s time to hire a coach when you’ve almost literally become a squirrel non-stop gathering resources and forgetting where you got them and what they were for. And needing to hibernate a bit because of information overload and from trying to be everywhere at once.
– Leah Stevenson of www.virtualassistantleah.com
Can you relate to any of these signs that it’s time to hire a business coach?? Are you ready to get out of overthinking mode and actually take the steps to grow your business and scale it with multiple income streams so that you can work less and make more??
If you’re saying yes, then I’d love to connect — click here to book your complimentary discovery call and find out how we can work together to build your business even bigger (without burning out!).